09.03.1944. Raids on airbases of ADD

It was found by Finnish intelligence that in March 1944 ADD was operating from air bases in the Leningrad area and the bases were fully illuminated during landing and takeoff. That would provide a good target. To deceive the enemy the Finnish bombers would join the Soviet formations.

On the evening of Feb 29 1944 four DNs of PLeLv46 took off and each infiltrated an ADD formation above the Gulf of Finland. The Soviet bombers were returning to Levashovo and each DN bombed the base independently between 22.25 and 23.10 hrs. During the attack the base was fully lit and hits were observed in rows of a/c and a/c shelters. There were several fires and one larger explosion. AAA fired at the attackers after bomb release.

After this successful trial orders for a full scale raid were issued. PLeLv 42 could participate with 5 BLs, PLeLv 44 with 5 JKs, PLeLv 46 with 5 DNs and PLeLv 48 with 4 BLs.

On 9Mar 1944 ADD raided Tallinn and as the bombers returned, Finnish bombers joined them. The five PLeLv 44 Junkerses were led by Capt. Itävuori and W/O Unto Oksala flew one of the JKs. The JKs joined a Soviet formation West of Kronstadt, staying a little behind and below. The enemy was flying at 1600 m with navigation lights on and they were heading for Kasimovo. As the enemy prepared to land and the lights of the base were turned on, the JKs released their bombs (16x250 kg and 47x50kg) at 1600 m between 21.30 - 21.35 hours. Bombs hit rows of parked aircraft and runways. One explosion and two fires were observed immediately, When leaving the target a large explosion and several fires were observed. The raid was a complete surprise.

PLeLv 42 a/c, led by Lt.Autio joined the enemy N of Seiskari. They bombed Gorskaya 21.30-21.32 hrs at 1200 m with 32X50kg HE, 16X15kg incendiary, 24x2kg incendiary. Hits were observed in the rows of parked a/c and a/c shelters on the W side of the base. Two a/c burning, an explosion and fire, visible at 70km in the N side of the base. The base was completely surprised.

PLeLv 46 a/c led by Capt. Peltola joined a formation heading for Levashovo. They bombed at 21.34 hrs, altitude 1400m (80x50kg). Hits were observed in the rows of parked a/c and on the runways. DN-57 missed due to bomb release malfunction. Intense AAA fire was encountered during the bomb run.

PLeLv 48 with 4 a/c led by Capt. Hakala joined an ADD formation abomve Kronstadt and followed them to Levashovo, where one bombed at 21.37 hrs, the rest headed for Gorskaya which was lit at the moment. The bombs (28x100kg HE and 16x15kg incendiaary were dropped at 21.40-21.45 hrs from 1400m. Hits observed in the N edge of the base: five a/c burning, another two in the SE perimeter and an explosion of a warehouse.

Next day (10Mar 1944) PE-211 of PLeLv48 piloted by Staff Sgr. Juhola photographed the a/bs of Kasimovo, Levashovo, Gorskaya and Shuvalovo at 11.35-11.40 hrs, altitude 6500 to 6000m. In the return leg of the mission 11.45 hrs two Yak-9 approached but the escorting MT intervened, the enemy retreated without battle.


© Written by: Ossi Juntunen




Keskinen, Kalevi; Stenman, Kari. Suomen Ilmavoimien historia, vol. 19. LeR 4 (Loviisa 2002)




  • 09.03.1944


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